Working together for a fairer, more equal, democratic and sustainable Sussex

In 2023-2024 Winning as One could transform the Sussex political map


We must Win as One - 2023-2024 Campaign

Our Priorities 

Sussex is a key blue wall area that can be toppled

Brighton and Hove Compass is committed to helping to demolish the Sussex blue wall by: 

Working to encourage local alliances, particularly in the key constituencies. 

  1. Working to encourage local alliances, particularly in the key constituencies. 
  2. Developing a Sussex-wide Compass coordinating group – with representation from each local group and party
  3. Greatly expanding the number of members and supporters across the area 
  4. Campaigning in key areas for a progressive MP – ideally one that supports PR
  5. Building on existing cooperative relationships between progressive parties especially those running local authorities in the area.  

We are also committed to encouraging open debates and discussions on key issues in the area through continuing our regular coffee mornings, occasional reports, and other one-off events. 


Poster 1

We already have example of progressive parties successfully working together – in Brighton and Hove, Lewes, and many other places across the country. 

But each area is different and will need to able to build their own local alliance to meet local needs and conditions. 

How do we start?

By building local progressive alliances and campaign groups, and working together across Sussex   

The Blue Wall in 2019 

2019 Ssx


  • Hove and Portslade - Labour
  • Brighton Kemptown - Labour
  • Brighton Pavilion  - Green


  • Lewes, progressive majority of 4,745: Liberal Democrats lead
  • Eastbourne, progressive majority of 483:  Liberal Democrats lead 
  • Hastings and Rye: progressive majority of 83: Labour lead 




   East Worthing & Shoreham: progressive vote -1342: Labour lead
   Crawley: progressive vote -4,181: Labour lead 
   Mid Sussex: progressive vote -4,745: Liberal Democrat lead