Working together for a fairer, more equal, democratic and sustainable Sussex
We believe that:
- If we want to change things for the better, we must defeat the Tories, and we can’t do this unless progressive parties work together.
- If we want a fairer voting system, we must work together.
- If we want a better, less corrupt, less cynical politics, we must work together
Though we have our differences, the Labour Party, the Green Party, and the Liberal Democrats share common values and priorities. We can achieve positive change together but not on our own.
Our plan for 2024-2026
We aim to be a vibrant group of local members supporting the nation-wide Compass vision of a more
equal, democratic and sustainable society. We do this by strengthening our understanding of and
selectively campaigning on national policy issues relevant to Brighton and Hove and the wider
We will behave with each other and with other Compass local groups in ways that pre-figure how a
Good Society should be. We will energetically support efforts by national Compass to create more
participatory and accountable relations with local groups and members, and by linking up with other
like-minded local groups on issues of common interest.
Achieving our aim depends on the following:
(1) Growing our base of active supporters, including volunteers from the 2024 election campaign, co-
ordinated by a local steering group of seven members. We also continue efforts to broaden and
diversify the demographic base of our supporters.
(2) Hosting bi-monthly coffee meetings with interesting and relevant speakers, on subjects that relate
to the Good Society including housing, the environment, health and social care and more. These will
tie in with policy updates from national Compass.
(3) Campaigning on Compass policies, focusing in 2025-26 on strengthening democracy through
greater citizen participation in political decision-making including through proportional representation
in local and national elections. We will do this through public engagement , e.g., with stalls at
festivals and similar community events, ongoing contact with our Brighton and Hove MPs and by
maintaining a media presence with our website and social media channels.
Published by B&H Compass Steering Group, February 2025.
What makes a good society?
Compass is a home for those who want to build and be a part of a Good Society; one where equality, sustainability and democracy are not mere aspirations, but a living reality. We are founded on the belief that no single issue, organisation or political party can make a Good Society a reality by themselves so we have to work together to make it happen. Compass is a place where people come together to create the visions, alliances and actions to be the change we wish to see in the world.
To find out more about what makes a good society please visit the Compass National website here